We are fortunate to have a swath of Mountain Laurel growing here along the Laurel Woods Trail. We will take a walk along the trail this morning to explore the area and discuss the Mountain Laurel Project. The walk is timed to hopefully coincide with the Mountain Laurel blooming. Join us for a lovely walk along a unique section of Pennsylvania woodland and gain a better understanding of our beautiful state flower. We will meet at the entrance to Laurel Woods Trail.
The Pennsylvania State Flower is the Mountain Laurel, as enacted by the General Assembly on May 5, 1933. The Mountain Laurel is in full bloom in mid-June filling Pennsylvania's woodlands
with its distinctive pink flower.
The Laurel Woods Trail has a section of Mountain Laurel growing along the eastern portion of the trail from the large footbridge to the Railroad Cut. The mountain laurel is a unique feature and lends its name to the trail. Our mountain laurel is not in prime condition and improving growing conditions is an ongoing project. The Mountain Laurel blooms about the beginning of June.
Mountain laurel is a member of the heath family, which also includes azaleas and rhododendrons. It grows in clusters or thickets. Identification: Height: 20' Diameter: 6" An evergreen shrub or small tree with a short, curving or crooked trunk; Branches spread forming a rounded crown; leaves are dark green, thick and stiff with smooth edges, 2-4" long and 1-1.5" wide. Flowers are white or pink, about 1" wide with 5 fused petals, growing in clusters. Fruits appearing in the fall are small rounded dry brown capsules .25" wide.