Ecological Features
The Mill Race Trail traverses a unique section of mature woodland within the White Clay Creek canyon.
Near the trail entrance common trees are Black Walnut and Tulip Poplar. Along the descending switch back path Spice Bush flanks both sides
of the trail. Where the trail intersect the former Pomeroy & Newark RR bed a large Osage Orange tree stands. A short walk to the right of
this intersection and along the creek stands a Sycamore. Heading towards Bridge #42 one views a Red Oak, American Beech and Poison Ivy vines.
A Red Maple tree stands at the beginning of the boardwalk. Heading east toward the creek stands a Ashleaf Maple tree. As the trail meanders
along the creek and past the old mill race dam one passes an Ironwood tree, Dogwoods shrubs and Black Cherry trees.